If you aim for serious privacy, it’s smart to use crypto currencies when making payments, instead of "traditional" methods like credit cards.

Credit card payments, bank transfers and virtually all other traditional payment methods are easily traceable. Bitcoin transactions, however, aren’t. This is, therefore, the way to go if you’re a privacy-wise internet user and you don't want to be part of some databases containing all your purchases.

A VPN service increases the level of privacy while online, though the weakest link in this process is the payment method. All online transactions are registered in the bank or processors' databases and held for an unlimited amount of time. Most payment processors hold even the credit card information when a transaction is made and they can be targeted in cyber attacks that could result in credit card theft.

Why use Bitcoin

If you buy a car, a laptop, an online subscription or an ordinary bagel, the transaction will be stored forever and it could be used to profile you at a given time in the future. The transaction history and "buying habbits" can also be shared with third parties for marketing research purposes.

Bitcoin, on the other hand, is different. Payments are pseudo-anonymous. You can easily exchange your currency into bitcoin and then purchase your VPN subscription. Note that you shouldn’t use that very same bitcoin wallet to pay for goods delivered to your door, in case you don't connect the two orders.

If your online privacy is important to you, bitcoin works best as a payment method. This applies particularly to those who live in countries tightly controlled by the state, to journalists, free speech advocates, as well as those who need to keep their digital matters private.

Another reason why bitcoin is the preffered payment method for privacy services, such as VPNs, is the fact that several traditional payment processors have already decided to stop payments to some VPN and smartDNS services. Bitcoin is decentralized and can’t be shut down by Governments, banks and other such entities.

By using bitcoin, you can also help VPN providers to improve their services and help protect users’ privacy, since transaction fees are lower and they can use the remaining money to further grow their business.

Bitcoin is safe

This digital currency is fairly new, it appeared in 2008. It is estimated that there are currently several million users worldwide using bitcoin as payment or involved in the ecosystem.

If you use some basic security practices while using Bitcoin, your coins should be safe, perhaps even safer than the fiat money in the bank. You should keep your keys secret, perhaps printed on a sheet of paper and stored in a safe place.

Bear in mind that while privacy oriented, bitcoin should not be treated as an investment option due its highly volatile nature that can fluctuate over 10% per day.

Security Best Practices

  • Use only reputable exchange services for exchanging fiat into Bitcoin and vice-versa
  • Use strong passwords for online exchange accounts, enable two-factor authentication if available (see our passwords guide)
  • Store bitcoin in multiple wallets and don't keep a large amount in one place if it is an online service, such as a bitcoin exchange (they are often targeted in cyber-attacks)
  • Keep your PC and mobile devices secure and always make back-ups

Recommended further reading: bitcoin.org, cointelegraph.com

How to get bitcoins

There are several methods of purchasing bitcoin such as online exchanges, local ATMs and even physical transactions with local sellers.

For more available methods in your location, visit buybitcoinworldwide.com

If you want to find out more about bitcoin, we recommend the following resources: bitcoin.org, bitcointalk.org and the Reddit community.